Great white shark shocks onlookers with strange beaching

Great white shark shocks onlookers with strange beaching

A great white shark has been euthanised after it washed ashore on the NSW North Coast, with questions arising how it came to be beached.

The 4.3 metre adult female was reported at Kingscliff Beach about 8am today after it was seen thrashing in shallow waters.

Video showed the shark appearing to struggle to swim with a fin and tail visibly out of water.

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Crews from Sea World in the Gold Coast were called in to assist but could not save the shark.

“The shark was in a poor condition after beaching and the Sea World veterinary team administered drugs to make it comfortable before it passed away,” shark expert Siobhan Houlihan said.

“The shark appeared to have underlying health issues with the thrashing behaviour seen in the shallows prior to the beaching not normal for the species.”

Houlihan said the shark had stopped swimming and has stayed in the one sport before tide becoming too low for her to leave.

“It’s not normal, sharks obviously don’t beach themselves for no reason,” she said.

“She could have still got herself out.

“I would not be surprised if the necropsy revealed there was something sinister going on inside.”

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There were no unusual marks on the shark.

The NSW Department of Fisheries are investigating and will conduct the necropsy to try and identify a cause for the beaching.

“The NSW Government, in conjunction with staff from SeaWorld and the local council, has organised for the shark to be transported off the beach,” Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty said.

“A full necropsy will be undertaken to determine the cause of death.”

The shark has since been moved off the beach using a tractor. 

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