
Princess Margaret’s decadent daytime routine including breakfast in bed and a tipple before lunch

Princess Margaret’s decadent daytime routine including breakfast in bed and a tipple before lunch

Princess Margaret used to enjoy breakfast in bed and a four-course lunch (Picture: Getty Images)

Royal fans are loving details that have emerged about Princess Margaret’s daily routine, that included a two-hour lie and an afternoon tipple.

A glimpse into the princess’s luxurious daytime routine has been shared on X – and it’s left fans wishing they could emulate it.

Margaret’s average day, which she is said to have followed in her 20s, was first recorded in Ma’am Darling: 99 Glimpses of Princess Margaret, written by Craig Brown.

The book goes into how the princess, around the age of 25, settled into a decadent daily routine that matched her love of the finer things in life.

Her day began when she was brought a meal which she enjoyed in bed.

It was around this time that she would have been living with the Queen Mother at Clarence House in London.

Royal fans have taken to social media to share their envy over the late princess’s routine (Picture: Getty Images)

The princess used to enjoy a tipple in the afternoon (Picture: Getty Images)

She then spent two hours listening to the radio and reading the daily papers while chain smoking.

The book describes how apparently she often left the papers strewn all over the floor.

At 11am, Margaret would then have an hour-long bath run and prepared for her by her maid.

The princess’s daily routine was from the time she lived at Clarence House with the Queen Mother (Picture: Getty Images)

Princess Margaret used to enjoy lunch with the Queen Mother each day (Picture: Getty Images)

After the bath, she would sit at her dresser to have her hair and make-up done.

The book describes how the princess would never wear clothes more than once before having them cleaned.

Margaret then proceeded to go downstairs for a ‘vodka pick-me-up’, according to the book.

This preceded a four-course lunch with the Queen Mother.

Mr Brown describes how the lunch likely included ‘half a bottle of wine per person plus fruit and half a dozen different varieties of native and Continental cheeses’.

The late princess would enjoy smoking while reading the morning papers (Picture: Getty Images Europe)

Discussions around the late princess’s average routine first appeared online when a fan shared details from the book in 2017.

But it resurfaced again on Sunday when someone shared it on X with the caption: ‘I think we can agree that the late Princess Margaret’s daily routine is the one we all aspire to.’

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People took to X to respond, with many people making a joke about how different it is from Greg Wallace’s routine.

The Masterchef judge shared his typical Saturday morning routine last week and it left fans a bit baffled.

Greg, who said he doesn’t like lie-ins, gets up at 5am even on a Saturday, and spends an hour reading.

Writing in the Telegraph, the TV chef accounted for his whole Saturday routine, which also involved his gym opening half an hour earlier just for him as well as breakfast at Harvester, time with his wife and young son, Sid, and bed by 9pm.

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