Games Inbox: Non-portable Switch 2, Astro’s Playroom update, and Gotham Knights for £1

Games Inbox: Non-portable Switch 2, Astro’s Playroom update, and Gotham Knights for £1

Should there be a home-only version of the Switch 2? (Nintendo)

The Wednesday letters page wonders if Gears Of War: E-Day might be a next gen launch title, as one reader sells his Xbox Series X.

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The anti-Switch 2
With the summer showcases now mostly out of the way I’m sure the focus will now move to the Switch 2 and when it might be announced and released. Naturally, I have no more idea than anyone else, especially as the rumours about how powerful it is vary wildly.

I’ve heard the suggestion before that there should be two versions of the console, one the basic edition and the second a sort of Switch 2 Plus that is more powerful. I would certainly buy that it if it existed but I don’t think it will, and certainly not at launch, as that’s just not how Nintendo does things.

That would start to get expensive though and what I would suggest is if Nintendo did the reverse of the Switch Lite and made a version of the new console that wasn’t portable but was more powerful. They clearly don’t have a problem with a Switch that doesn’t ‘switch’ so why not use the fact that battery life and component size isn’t a factor to make a more powerful console from the start?

I’m sure they won’t, but that would be my preference and I do think there’s a small chance it will happen a few years into the new console’s life… whenever that is.

Endless cycle
I love how desperate everyone is to know the Nintendo Direct date, even though they know it’s almost certainly going to be a minor one, given the age of the Nintendo Switch. Then we’ll have everyone acting in outrage, as if they’ve been let down, even though they should’ve never expected anything in the first place.

The hype cycle of the internet is not only predictable but it’s stupid. It should have been obvious that Microsoft would have a good showcase. They’ve bought all those companies, did people think they were not going to show off their games? The only surprising thing is that they didn’t talk about their multiformat plans but everything else was pretty much exactly what you would’ve assumed. Especially as there wasn’t anything big that hadn’t been leaked out before.

It was a good showcase, don’t get me wrong, and the PlayStation one was really bad, but neither was a surprise if you were paying attention or applied even a small amount of logic to the current situation.

Surprising timing
I bit the bullet and sold my Xbox Series X last week and, weirdly, it feels like a weight’s been lifted. I got it at launch and I’ve struggled to justify the cost ever since. No worthwhile games that I can’t play on another platform, either now or on the horizon, and it was being used more as a really big, power-hungry Blu-ray player.

And of course Microsoft’s conduct around the Activision purchase and laying off all those staff left a nasty taste in the mouth.

I can’t even justify buying a PlayStation 5 at this point either, given how Sony are behaving of late, so I’ll put the money towards one of those new-fangled handheld gaming PCs. I just need to figure out which one – not the Steam Deck as I want the option of other launchers like Epic Games and, yes, maybe even Game Pass.

Ooh! And I’ll save for a Switch 2 of course.
FoximusPrime (NN ID/Twitter)

GC: You didn’t wait for the Xbox Games Showcase?

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When the wind blows
Just a quick response to Tacle on the Monday Inbox, regarding a possible remake for Zelda: The Wind Waker.

I think it’s pretty unlikely the cut content will ever be reinstated for any future re-release, as it was repurposed for Twilight Princess according to reports.

It’s a shame, as The Wind Waker is a brilliant game that even with the Wii U remake still felt unfinished in the last stretch, but I can’t see Nintendo ever cannibalising other games to prop up a remake. Maybe they could add in all new dungeons instead perhaps?

Launch Gear
Gears Of War and Halo were what got me into gaming on Xbox, Gears Of War being the first to use cover based shooting.

Considering the technology back then the multiplayer worked brilliantly on both but with talk of the next gen being closer this time, do you think a new Gears would be kept back as a launch title? Obviously still releasing for this gen console.

GC: We hadn’t considered that, but it’s possible. Not stating a launch year implies 2026 is a possibility and that’s when Xbox’s next gen is rumoured to begin.

Very enjoyable Xbox showcase I thought. I didn’t fall asleep or nothing.

Doom, Indy, Avowed, Fable, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 are right up there for me. I also approve of the Perfect Dark direction looking like a mix of Deus Ex, Dishonored, and Mirror’s Edge.

In truth it should of been a good show as it’s effectively three shows in one: Xbox. Activision, and Bethesda. It was also very much a multiplatform show including Microsoft games like Doom: The Dark Ages. After the event the pudgy faced smiler Phil also said to expect more of their games going to other platforms, so I’m left wondering how many of these games I like the look of will wind up on PlayStation 5.

All in all though it felt like a very much needed injection of positivity in a climate where the viability of the sort of triple-A games shown is in question. Here’s a showcase with a lot of them and most looking very good. Microsoft’s insane spending spree looks like it might finally have been worth it.

My enthusiasm is tempered due to Microsoft having fumbled big releases after good reveals and having previously delayed games for long stretches like Starfield, Redfall, and Halo. Anything with a 2025 release date I automatically put a ‘/2026’ on.

But in all honestly I’d rather Sony copied Microsoft and showed us what they have earmarked for 2025 now, even if does slip into 2026.

Sign of success
It’s happened again, Asda flogging off an unsuccessful game for £1. This time it’s Gotham Knights.

I’d have thought few people would be interested but it’s already sold out on PlayStation 5 by the looks of things and is only available from Asda at that price on this Xbox Link.

GC: It really wasn’t that bad a game.

In-game advertising
Much like Galvanized Gamer, I’m looking forward to the new Astro Bot and I’ve really enjoyed the new Playroom update, which had me scampering around GPU Jungle looking for clues as to what bot I was meant to save (turned out to be Lady Maria). There’s a new room with a countdown to the release with three more puzzles to solve every 30 days, if I remember correctly.

There’s also a rather humorous scenario when you get the new peripherals from the gatcha machine. The PlayStation VR2 you receive is hanging above you, where you can’t interact with it at all (the original headset in the Labo room plays the Rescue Mission trailer if you smack it). You have to go and hit the easily reachable PS Portal to see the new trailer. Talk about the final nail in the VR coffin!! Sat out of reach and inactive.

It’s a lovely way to rekindle interest and buzz for the new title and has generated some tales that the game will have secrets which are actually reveals for new PlayStation titles. To be honest, the thought of Astro fronting a Showcase instead of a suit would be most welcome. His squeaks and cheery emoji face make more sense than endless lines about ‘delivering unparalleled levels of realism’ and ‘generational leaps never seen before’.

Inbox also-rans
‘More games on more platforms’ Please inbox magic, make this a Fable and State Of Decay 3 on PlayStation 5 statement! Keep ‘em coming Phil!
A new PlayStation 5 owner (got it cheaper than Xbox Series X and wanted to join current gen but am so rooting for Xbox games to arrive).

I still don’t understand why Konami are remaking Metal Gear Solid 3. It’s not the first one either chronologically or in terms of release order. You could argue it’s the best one but where does that leave them? Remaking worse and worse entries the further they go?

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New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

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