Is ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ releasing a collector’s edition?

Is ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ releasing a collector’s edition?

The Star Wars franchise has been a bit hit or miss in recent years, but one area the beloved story recently shines is in the gaming department.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order harkened in the new era of Star Wars games, and the franchise has maintained that same quality through several subsequent releases. Fans are hoping the trend continues with Star Wars Outlaws, as they eye the next game in the lineup with eager anticipation. The title pivots focus from Cal Kestis to scoundrels situated in an entirely different time period. Shifting gears from the period following the rise of the Sith to the period just between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the game zeroes in on a set of outlaws as they work to evade capture and pull off an interplanetary heist.

The release is hugely anticipated among gamers, but a dose of disappointment dampened that anticipation when details about the incoming title released. Sure, Outlaws looks great either way, but gamers were let down by the lack of a specific version of the impending title.

Will there be a collector’s edition of Star Wars Outlaws?

Collector’s editions are a wonderful treat for those willing to shell out some extra cash for an upgraded experience. They typically come with numerous perks including art, statues, in-game additions, and sometimes earlier access, and they likewise come with an increased price tag to match.

For those who can afford them, collector’s editions make for both wonderful conversation starters and also stellar gaming experiences, so it’s always a letdown to learn that a highly anticipated game won’t be releasing the coveted special edition. It’s a familiar disappointment for Star Wars fans, but that didn’t make the blow any easier when details about Outlaws were revealed.

The game is set to release on Aug. 30, 2024, and no collector’s edition will accompany its launch. It seems Ubisoft, the developer behind the game, decided to steer clear of a proper special edition version of the title, instead zeroing in on a classic release with no additional bells and whistles. There is a gold edition of the title, but all it adds to the in-game experience is a season pass. Not nearly enough to entice the fanbase.

It’s not a deal breaker by any means, but disappointment is running rampant among Star Wars gamers who, ahead of the news, were eagerly looking forward to getting their hands on whatever perks may have accompanied an Outlaws collector’s edition.

Multiple recent and upcoming games from Ubisoft have sported collector’s editions, which made the decision to avoid one with Outlaws all the more upsetting to fans. They decried the decision by Ubisoft, and likely Disney, but that upset isn’t likely to change anything. If the game sells well, and they think more money can be leeched from the fanbase, a special edition may follow some months after the title first hits shelves, but for now it seems we’re out of luck.

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