
Kate Middleton’s third attempt to prove she is alive and well about to become a fresh headache for King Charles

Kate Middleton’s third attempt to prove she is alive and well about to become a fresh headache for King Charles

At this point, it is paramount for the palace to prove beyond even a sliver of a lingering doubt that Kate Middleton is alive, on the path to recovery, and is still with the Royal Family. But seeing how massive mistakes continue to slip past the eyes of the officials and the PR management for the third time, King Charles is under more pressure than ever to use his quickly approaching golden chance to fix it all.

The moment royal experts expressed fear for Kate’s health after Prince William repetitively did his worst to dodge questions about his wife, the Princess of Wales broke the silence she had maintained since March — when the cancer announcement video was released — to pen a letter apologizing to the Irish Guards for missing the Colonel’s Review on June 8, slipping in how she hopes to join them “very soon.”

For a while, it worked… until it didn’t.

It appears no one proofread this letter for Colonel Catherine. I don’t understand why mistakes like this continue to be made by Kensington Palace. https://t.co/QQnuoRkGKR

— Love, Lola (@Lola on Spoutible ) (@LoveLolaHeart) June 8, 2024

Of course, one is allowed to make mistakes, but an official letter — that was definitely going to be publicly shared — from the Princess of Wales aka the future Queen of England whose present is showing cracks? A big NOPE.

The mistakes range from the missing “to” in “unable take the salute” to the different ways of writing “I am” in the letter to the signature and name of Kate written with a sharpie, which has often been cited as an attempt to make determining the writer harder during handwriting analysis. Of course, there is the fact that the handwritten parts don’t match samples of Kate’s handwriting.

I also saw these errors but my biggest bugbear is that I don’t think it’s her writing or signature, someone has tried very hard to replicate it, but again there are errors pic.twitter.com/EGhihrO8by

— Debs Geordie Johnson (@Johnson53Debbie) June 9, 2024

So, what is happening here? Is Kate also an amateur writer along with being bad at photoshopping a picture (the first time to convey that everything was alright)? She made plenty of mistakes in a small, two-paragraph long letter or did someone write it for her? Did she just sign it or are the concerns about someone attempting to mimic her signature valid? Were the mistakes deliberately made to give it a “human touch” or is Kate just too sick to manage to sign a pre-written letter? It doesn’t matter which scenario is true because none of them sound good.

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