You can now check Lauren Boebert choosing Donald Trump over her own son off of your 2024 bingo card

You can now check Lauren Boebert choosing Donald Trump over her own son off of your 2024 bingo card

What is it about Donald Trump that causes his devoted disciples to treat him like a deity? For those of us on the outside, who only see an orange-hued manbaby suffering from verbal (and allegedly actual) incontinence, it’s truly mystifying why Diaper Don’s inner circle adores him so.

For proof that his GOP groupies view him as some kind of Old Testament God, public groping fiend Lauren Boebert has made clear that she’s more loyal to Trump than her own flesh and blood. But, although Abraham was conflicted over choosing his son over his faith in the Bible, apparently the decision didn’t cause Bobo to lose any sleep, going by her unrepentant social media activity.

“I’m in New York City for court with President Trump today. We are 100% behind him!” Boebert declared. Well, that’s nice of her to show her support for her fearless, farting leader, right? The only thing is she didn’t show the same kind of support for her son during his own recent court appearance.

I’m in New York City for court with President Trump today.

We are 100% behind him!

— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 16, 2024

And you can bet that the people of X (formerly Twitter) are not letting her forget it, with one acidic response labeling her “the MAGA Mother of the Year.”

Boebert doesn’t show up for her son’s criminal court dates where he says he can’t afford a lawyer. Instead, the MAGA Mother of the Year is up in NYC giving a hand to Donald Trump.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 16, 2024

Why didn’t you show up for your son’s court date, you’re not 100% behind him??

— Jules Morgan (@glamelegance) May 16, 2024

Tyler Boebert was arrested back in February for taking part in a range of car break-ins and credit card thefts, clocking up a total of 22 charges (including 4 felony charges). His mother campaigned to raise funds to hire her son an attorney, but clearly not enough people dug deep into their pockets to help the poor innocent identity thief. When appearing in court, motherless, on May 9, Boebert had to admit to the judge that he had still yet to find an attorney to represent him.

As for why Boebert is so keen to be there for Trump and not her criminal offspring, people have their theories…

She heard Beetlejuice was playing there..

— ErieBooks (@ErieBooks) May 16, 2024

Lauren Boebert is going to Trump’s trial in NYC today because lending a hand to a dick in public is her whole brand.

— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) May 16, 2024

Is the real reason Lauren showed up to Trump’s trial because she heard Beetlejuice was playing somewhere? Maybe. Or perhaps it’s Donald’s innate Beetlejuice-esque qualities that Bobo finds so appealing. Think about it. One is a demonic ghoul with a weird complexion, a creepy, sleazy demeanor, and a penchant for trapping women in non-consensual situations… The other is Michael Keaton in a green wig.

Either way, our thoughts and prayers are with those forced to share a court room with Lauren Boebert. Let’s just hope the lights stay on.

Lauren Boebert just walked into the courtroom. Please pray we do not have a power failure.

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) May 16, 2024

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