Woman is saving heart-shaped potato for Valentine’s Day dinner

Woman is saving heart-shaped potato for Valentine’s Day dinner

It’s a mash made in heaven (Picture: SWNS)

When it comes to potato news, Metro has seen it all.

From the world’s largest chip to the world’s angriest spud, nothing surprises us anymore – but what must be the world’s loveliest potato has certainly made us sprout a smile.

Daisy Reynolds, 56, made the tater-ly romantic discovery in the very last bag of King Edwards potatoes at her local Tesco branch in Walsall, West Midlands.

When she returned home at the weekend and opened the bag, she was surprised to find a perfectly formed heart-shaped spud among them.

Daisy, of Bloxwich, said: ‘I just opened the bag and there it was.

‘We had been to do our Saturday shop, get some potatoes, and that was the only bag left of King Edwards, so I thought, “I’ll have that,” because I normally have red ones.

‘I opened it up and that was the first one I put my hand on.

Daisy Reynolds, 56, made the tater-ly romantic discovery in Walsall (Picture: SWNS)

The heart-shaped potato is in direct contrast to this angry potato found in Sheffield a couple of years ago (Picture: Lindsay Pantry)

‘I was quite surprised to find it, I just thought it was quite nice leading up to Valentine’s Day. It was a bit of a coincidence.

‘At first, I didn’t really want to use it because it looks so nice and quirky.

‘I thought I’d keep it and take some photos, because I’ve never found a heart-shaped vegetable before.’

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She has decided to save the potato to eat with her partner Andy tomorrow evening for Valentine’s Day.

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‘Andy and I enjoy a steak and homemade chips, so I will be using the potato for our Valentine’s Day meal,’ she added.

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