
Is Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk in ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ or isn’t he?

Is Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk in ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ or isn’t he?

What do you do if you’re hungry for some Marvel spoilers? Well, setting up an interview with Mark Ruffalo would be one sure way to go about it. The Hulk icon has proven himself to be as adorably open and unfiltered as the Jade Giant is angry and impenetrable many times over, as his prior press appearances have seen him pull so many cats out of the bag that he could start a cat sanctuary. Ever wondered why Kevin Feige always wears a baseball cap? It’s so Ruffalo can’t get at the secrets he’s got hidden under his hat.

But the Ruffalo’s gonna keep on ruffling those feathers, whatever Marvel Studios tries to do to stop him. In the latest example of the She-Hulk star’s loose lips, he’s gone and ignited hopes that he’s set to return to the MCU to join Anthony Mackie in Captain America: Brave New World, coming February 2025. This would mark Mark’s first cinematic Marvel appearance since his cameo in 2021’s Shang-Chi, so it would be a big deal if it is the case. But is it or isn’t it? Let’s unpack this Hulk-sized hooplah.

Mark Ruffalo’s confusing Captain America 4 comments, explained

When taking part in a Q&A during an appearance at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Sunday, Feb. 11, Ruffalo was asked if he was going to be in Captain America 4 by moderator Anne Thompson. Although a little cagey, Ruffalo nodded and admitted, “Yeah.” When Thompson inquired if he was allowed to talk about this project, Ruffalo added, “Yeah… It’s going to be great!”

Well, there you go, straight from the Hulk’s mouth! No taking that back now! Except that’s exactly what happened. Variety has reported that, according to “multiple sources,” Ruffalo actually won’t be in Brave New World after all. Apparently Ruffalo “misspoke” and he thought that he was agreeing that Cap 4 is a confirmed Marvel Studios film on its way and he was merely saying that he’s excited to see it.

If you watch the interview above, however, it certainly seems like Ruffalo is fully aware of what question he is answering, hence his nervous demeanor while discussing it, so it’s hard not to interpret the retraction as damage control. A role for Bruce Banner would certainly make total sense with everyone else who’s turning up in the film. Tim Blake Nelson is back as The Thinker for the first time since 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, as is Liv Tyler’s Betty Ross, Harrison Ford is taking over as Thaddeus “I’m Not Red Hulk” Ross, and rumors abound that Tatiana Maslany’s She-Hulk could show too.

So Captain America 4 might as well be called The Incredible Hulk 2 at this point but, sure, Ruffalo just misspoke and he’s not actually in it. That makes about as much sense as Bruce randomly becoming Smart Hulk in Avengers: Endgame.

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