Kidnapper jailed again for delivering card to son 12 days after release

Kidnapper jailed again for delivering card to son 12 days after release

Maharbaan Misri was jailed in 2021 for stalking, kidnap and assault (Picture: SWNS/PA)

A man jailed for stalking his ex-partner was re-arrested days after being released because he hand-delivered a card to his son.

Maharbaan Misri breached a 10-year restraining order by turning up at the home of the woman he stalked and his two children in Beeston, Leeds.

Misri was jailed for 39 months in 2021 after being convicted of stalking, kidnapping and assaulting the woman, who is his ex-partner.

He was released in November last year, and went to the woman’s home just 12 days later despite the restraining order.

The 44-year-old was then arrested again and held on remand at HMP Leeds.

Misri, of Tong Road in Armley, Leeds, appeared at Leeds Crown Court and admitted to a single charge of harassment.

He went to the home of the woman and their two children to deliver the card.

Misri hand delivered the card for his son despite the restraining order in place (Picture: SWNS / PA)

No-one was at home at the time, but Misri was later arrested.

In her victim impact statement read out in court, the woman said she and her two children are ‘terrified’ of Misri and want to move out of the area where they live to get away from him.

Mitigating, Richard Holland said: ‘He had not see his son for four years before this breach. He had heard through extended family that he had abandoned his son.

‘That’s why he deliberately breached the restraining order. It was not motivated to cause the complainant further harm. He regrets attending. It won’t happen again.’

Maharbaan Misri was re-arrested in Leeds for breaching a restraining order (Picture: Getty Images)

Recorder Anthony Dunne jailed Misri for 10 weeks for breaching the restraining order.

He said: ‘Whatever you may have felt about the need to wish your children a happy birthday and to make some sort of contact, you must have known it was completely wrong to attend the address.

‘And you must have realised the distress it would have caused to her to know that you had been there.’

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Dunne said the restraining order, which still has seven years on it, will remain in place.

Before the video link was cut, Misri told the judge: ‘I guarantee you it won’t happen again.’

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