Girl, 8, gets superhero-themed bionic arm and dreams of becoming a gymnast

Girl, 8, gets superhero-themed bionic arm and dreams of becoming a gymnast

Safiyyah Uddin and her Spider-Woman bionic prosthetic (Picture: Kai Campbell/Open Bionics/SWNS)

She may not be able to swing from webs, but one young girl is looking forward to an active future after receiving a superhero themed bionic arm.

Safiyyah Uddin, eight, has never been held back despite being born with no left hand.

And the youngster, from East London, is now hoping her robotic prosthetic – complete with Gwen Stacy Spider Woman cover – will let her live even greater adventures.

She told Sky News she wants to become a gymnast – as well as a tennis player, artist, cheerleader and a teacher.

Her mother Shelenaz Khanom said the arm was created by Bristol based tech firm Open Bionics, which specialises in lower cost 3D printed arms in various themes.

The company now has access to a colourful assortment of sleeves for their bionic arms due to a partnership with movie giants Disney, Marvel and Lucasfilm.

Safiyyah Uddin is now able to perform everyday tasks with her specially designed, 3D-printed prosthetic, designed to emulate her favourite superhero (Picture: Kai Campbell/Open Bionics/SWNS)

The arms allows her to perform a number of tasks such as throwing tennis balls, holding items such as notepads and drawing with the help of a ruler.

Her mother said: ‘Since she has had it, she has said she can do things with both of her arms now, she can use both of her hands simultaneously.

‘It has just been such an amazing journey and we have had such a blast with this new Spider Man cover. She can really show off.’

The arm uses a variety of sensors that detect muscles moving.

Safiyyah can now take part in all her favourite activities thanks to the bionic arm (Picture: Kai Campbell/Open Bionics/SWNS)

As well as being able to open and close the grip it can also rotate the hand 180 degrees.

Ms Khanom said: ‘During my early pregnancy, I was informed she was going to be born with a missing left hand, there wasn’t any cause, as a parent learning she would be missing a limb really affected me.

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‘For a while, I kept doing things with one hand, imagining how she would cope and be able to do things.

‘But ever since she was born to see how incredible she was is so inspirational. She has taught me so much.

‘I think it has just opened up so many doors for her.’

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