Alex Batty says his mum ‘kidnapped’ him for six years ‘out of love’

Alex Batty says his mum ‘kidnapped’ him for six years ‘out of love’

Alex has been living in Oldham Manchester since returning to the country (Picture: ITV/Shutterstock)

Alex Batty, who was found in France after being ‘kidnapped’ for six years by his mum, has said she ‘did it out of love’.

The now 18-year-old has opened up about how he is readapting to life in the UK after living in an isolated farmhouse in the French Pyrenees.

The teenager went missing in 2017 after going on holiday in Spain with his mum and grandad when he was just 11.

But what was supposed to be a two-week trip would turn into six long years and span at least three countries before he was finally discovered after walking alone across the Pyrenees ‘for four days and four nights’.

The three embarked on an ‘alternative’ nomadic lifestyle, regularly moving around in Spain and France, and altogether living in as many as 15 different places.

Alex admitted that his mum Melanie and his grandad David have not contacted him probably for fear of giving away where they are while facing an international child abduction probe.

Alex Batty is now living with his grandma Susan Caruana (Picture: ITV/Shutterstock)

‘Mum did what she did out of love. It is what she thought was best and that is all you can really do, isn’t it?’ he told the Mirror.

‘She and my grandad did it with the best intentions. I know they’re not going to get in contact.

‘They’re definitely not going to risk it. If they get in contact, it’ll be when they’re 100% sure they’re all right. They won’t rush it for my birthday.

‘I hope the police don’t find them. I love them both but if I don’t see them again it’s not a big deal. You can love someone and not talk to them.’

Alex is believed to have been abducted by his mum six years ago (Picture: PA)

During his years away, he lived under an alias, calling himself Zack Edwards, while his mum adopted the name Rose.

Alex, originally from Oldham, Greater Manchester, finally escaped life on the road on December 13, after having an argument with his mum.

In past interviews, he revealed that he could he could no longer live with his ‘anti-government, anti-vax’ parent.

The teenager finally handed himself in at a police station near Toulouse and was then transported to his home in Oldham where he now lives with his grandmaSusan Caruana.

Alex with his mum and grandad in a Facebook video sent back home

Reflecting back on his decision and his relationship with his mum, Alex said she is probably ‘angry’ that he left.

‘If I could speak to them both now, I would just say, “I hope you are all right” and tell them I am all right,’ he added.

Life has not been without its ­challenges since his return and he is still adapting to socialising with people his age after not attending even a single day of school and being isolated from other children.

Alex also still thinks and speaks in French – ­especially when angry – so having to communicate in English is an adjustment.

He said: ‘It still doesn’t feel real that I’m back. It’s still not really sunk in. I think it’ll probably hit me sometime soon, but it hasn’t yet.’

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