‘Flight attendant tapes iPhone to plane toilet to record teen girl’

‘Flight attendant tapes iPhone to plane toilet to record teen girl’

iPhone is taped to the back of a toilet seat on an American Airlines flight from Charlotte to Boston (Picture: AP)

A flight attendant allegedly taped an iPhone to the airplane toilet seat and recorded a teenage girl using the bathroom.

The 14-year-old girl said she was waiting to use the restroom in the economy section where her family sat aboard an American Airlines flight 1441 traveling from Charlotte to Boston. She said a male flight attendant approached her and told her to use the one in the first-class cabin instead.

He entered the restroom first to wash his hands and a minute later told the girl that the seat was broken and not to mind it, according to a lawsuit filed in US district court in North Carolina on Friday.

Once inside, the girl said she saw an iPhone concealed with red tape that read, ‘remove from service’, according to the suit. An image taken by the girl and released through her family’s lawyers shows the camera flash on and ‘seat broken’ written over the red tape.

American Airlines said the flight attendant was ‘withheld from service’ immediately (Picture: Getty Images)

That ‘shocked and scared’ the girl and ‘it immediately occurred to her that someone had put the phone there to film her using the toilet’, it states.

The girl and her family’s lawyers claim that other attendants during the September 2 flight failed to take the suspect’s phone away, which let him destroy the evidence. They added that the airline ‘knew or should have known the flight attendant was a danger’.

Massachusetts State Police stated that they were alerted of a ‘potential criminal act’ in the middle of the flight.

American Airlines stated that the flight attendant was immediately ‘withheld from service’ and has not worked since.

‘We take this matter very seriously and have been fully cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation, as safety and security are our highest priorities,’ stated the airline.

The family said that an FBI agent told them the flight attendant was not arrested because no photo evidence was found on his phone.

While the teen has not been identified, her father told the New York Post on the condition of anonymity: ‘I think there’s a real feeling of violation. I think as a teenage girl, she’s a little bit embarrassed that something so intimate as going to the bathroom would be filmed this way.’

The teen is undergoing therapy to deal with her trauma, her lawyers said.

It is not the only recent restroom incident on a flight. In December 2021, a teacher flying from New Jersey to Iceland quarantined herself in the Icelandair restroom when she found out she tested positive for the coronavirus during the flight.

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